The names of this organization shall be: The North Carolina Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators; herein after referred to as the Association.
Article II - Purpose
The purposes of the North Carolina Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrator (Association) are:
To promote professional ideals and standards for public safety, security and law enforcement at institutions of higher education in North Carolina so as to better serve their educational objectives
To promote the professional development of the members of this Association, and the law enforcement, public safety and security officers serving under them.
To collectively represent college / university law enforcement, security and public safety to citizens of North Carolina in order to obtain their understanding and support of our organizations and mission.
Article III - Membership
Classes of membership The membership of the Association be classified as "Institutional", "Associate", "Sustaining" and "Honorary".
Institutional - All institutions of higher education in the State of North Carolina that maintain a law enforcement, security or public safety function are eligible for Institutional Membership upon application to the Association. Institutional membership includes the director of the law enforcement, security or public safety function and one other member of the institution.
Associate - All law enforcement, security or public safety personnel employed by an institution of higher education within the State of North Carolina not eligible for Institutional membership may be considered for Associate membership upon application to the Association. The Director/Chief of the law enforcement, security or public safety function from the applicant's institution must sponsor the application for Associate membership.
Sustaining - One who, by reason of a vocation, profession or business interests, shares in the concerns and objectives of the Association and desires to demonstrate such support by membership may be considered for Sustaining membership upon application to the Association.
Honorary - Individuals who the Board of Directors elects to invite to be an Honorary member based on that individual’s assistance to the Association in reaching its goals.
Retired campus police/security life time membership - Shall consist of those persons who have retired from campus police/security and were Active Members of the Association for a minimum of five years immediately preceding retirement and who have made a significant contribution to the Association. Significant contribution shall include but is not limited to serving as Association President, as a member of the Executive Committee or any other Association member, who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has contributed significantly to the benefit and growth of the Association. Life Members shall have all the rights and privileges of Active Members except that of voting and holding office. Life Members shall be exempt from payment of dues. Consideration of persons for life membership shall be submitted by an Active Member to the Executive Committee for review and, if approved for nomination. The Association, by a majority vote of Active Members present at an Annual Meeting, may elect such persons as are nominated by the Executive Committee for Life Membership.
Representation - Institutional members in good standing may represent their institutions as a voting member at regular business meetings provided that only one vote will be cast from any given institution. When more than one active member from any institution is present, the voting member will be selected by the institution’s delegation and identified to the official conducting the vote. An individual may act as proxy for an Institution member director of the law enforcement, security or public safety function based on written permission from the director.
Removal from Membership - Any member of the Association who, upon finding by the Board of Directors at one of its regularly scheduled meetings, to have conducted himself personally or to have permitted his law enforcement organization to act in such a manner as to be contrary to the purposes of this Association, can by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, be dropped from membership in the Association.
Rights and Privileges
Institutional Members are entitled to attend meetings, to hold office in the Association, to receive copies of minutes and other publications of the Association.
All other members are entitled to attend meetings and receive copies of minutes and other publications of the Association, but are not entitled to vote or hold office.
Election to membership - Any applicant meeting the requirements of Institutional membership is automatically accepted upon application to the Association. A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be required for approval of any application for Associate or Sustaining Membership. The annual dues of members of this Association are as follows:
Institutional $100.00
Associate $50.00
Sustaining $55.00
Honorary No Assessment
Annual dues are payable by January 15 or at the time of application for membership, and apply for the calendar year. Annual dues and applications for membership received after July shall be reduced by one half and membership shall expire December 31. No member who has failed to pay dues to the Treasurer shall be eligible to vote at the Association meetings. The Treasurer shall prepare a list of paid members for the President to determine eligibility to vote.
Dues received for membership from July 2007 until December 2007 (based on the previous rates) will be applied for the 2008 calendar year.
Article IV - Organization
Officers - The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office for each shall be two years. The election of officers shall be accomplished at the first meeting of the Association in a calendar year. Officers elected at the meeting will assume office immediately following the election. Officers may serve no more than two terms in succession.
Electoral Process - The nomination committee will send ballots to the membership prior to the first meeting of the association in a calendar year. Nominations will be closed at that meeting and a vote will be taken. Votes will be tallied, officers-elected, announced and seated.
Powers and Duties:
The President shall be the executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Association. The President shall have authority to appoint all committees and to appoint replacements for elected officers who vacate their terms prior to expiration, such replacements to complete the unexpired term only. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President shall have the authority to effect financial transactions for the association.
The Vice-President shall act for the President in his/her absence and shall become the President in the event of the President vacating his/her elected term for any reason. A Vice-President, who becomes President for the purpose of filling an unexpired term, shall be eligible for election as President.
The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Association, keep a record of the minutes of such meetings, be responsible for the records of the Association, handle the correspondence of the Association and provide membership with copies of minutes and other publications of the Association.
The Treasurer shall collect all funds owed to the Association, dispense all funds for expenditures duly authorized and maintain accurate accounts of same.
The Board of Directors:
Composition - The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, the immediate Past President, and two representatives appointed by the President to ensure representation from a four-year public institution, a private institution, and a community college. An institution shall have no more than one vote on the Board of Directors.
Powers and Duties:
Shall rule on questions of policy that arise between the meetings of the association.
Shall inspect and approve all proper expenditures from the treasury made by the President during the interim between the meetings of the association and shall hold the President accountable for such expenditures being made in the most prudent interests of the Association.
Approve the dates of the meetings of the Association.
Shall have authority to appoint small “Action Committees” from its membership for the purpose of expanding its work. Such action committees may be voted authority by a majority of the Board of Directors to act for the Board as a whole, and shall report to the Board of Directors.
Article V - By Laws and Temporary Legislation
This Association may, at any regular meeting, adopt and change any by-laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution.
Temporary legislation may be enacted at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present, provide such legislation is not inconsistent with the provision of this constitution.
Article VI - Meetings
There shall be a minimum of two association meetings per year. One meeting shall be held between January and June and the other association meeting held between July and December. The specific locations and dates shall be determined by the Meeting Site Committee with a majority vote of the Association, a quorum being present.
A quorum shall consist of a minimum of ten institutions with active members being present at a regular association meeting.
The parliamentary rules as stated in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern procedures at the meetings of the Association.
The parliamentary rules as stated in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern procedures at the meetings of the Association.
The order of business shall be:
Discussion and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Financial Report
Reports of Board and Standing Committees
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Special/General Orders
Unfinished Business
New Business
Article VII - Amendments to the Constitution
Any and all articles, sections or paragraphs of this constitution may be amended by vote of a three-fourths majority of the voting members registered at a regular meeting, a quorum being present.
Voting upon amendments shall be limited to proposals that have been studied, discussed and subsequently presented by the Association to the Board of Directors.
Voting on amendments initiated by motion from the floor shall not be permitted. Proposed amendments must first be submitted to the Board of Directors.
Proposed changes to the Constitution shall be sent to the voting membership prior to the meeting during which they will be voted upon.